
Rojak is a fruit and vegetable salad dish commonly found in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia (where it is called Rujak). The term "Rojak" is Malay for mixture, is also used as a colloquial expression for an eclectic mix, and in particular is often used to describe the multi-ethnic character of Malaysian and Singaporean society.

In Indonesia, especially among Javanese, rojak is an essential part of the traditional prenatal ceremony called "Nujuh Bulanan" (literally: seventh month). Special fruit rojak is made for this occasion, and later served to the mother to be and her guests (mostly her female friends). It is widely known that the sweet, spicy and sour tastes of rojak are adored by pregnant women. The recipe of rojak for this ceremony is similar to typical Indonesian fruit rujak, with the exceptions that the fruits are roughly shredded instead of thinly sliced, and the jeruk bali (grapefruit) is an essential ingredient. It is believed that if the rojak overall tastes sweet, the unborn would be a girl, and if it is spicy, the unborn baby is a boy.

lai chi kang

Differents type of Cendol.

Cendol Menu

Bahan :

Untuk Cendol,
- 1 bks tepung hun kwe,
- 4 gelas air
- 1 sdm (rata) tp beras
- Daun pandan diparut, diambil airnya sb pewarna dan pengharum
- pewarna pandan dikit aja
- gula pasir dan garam secukupnya
- es batu/air dingin sekali.
- Cetakan Cendol (bisa beli di toko Asia/Indonesia cuma 2,5 Euro)

Untuk Kuah,
- gula merah
- air
- daun pandan
- gula pasir
- garam
- santan

Pelengkap, nangka

Cara : campur jadi satu bahan cendol, masak sd kental (seperti bikin lem sagu). Siapkan saringan & es batu. Masukan cendol ke saringan yang bawahnya diberi wadah yg diisi es batu & air) saring cendol sambil ditekan2.

Untuk kuah : Campur jadi satu bahan kuah, masak sd agak kental. Beri irisan nangka jika suka.